Energiföretagens Arbetsgivarförening, EFA, organises and represents energy companies in Sweden. Our member companies provide Swedish society with heat and electricity throughout the value chain, from production and sales to distribution, as well as energy services, maintenance and construction. Our members also have a key role in the transition to a climate-neutral Sweden – a goal set by the Swedish government for 2045.
The energy transition process in Sweden and Europe is both extensive and challenging. We want to give our member companies the best possible conditions to run and develop their business, regardless of size and form of ownership. It goes without saying that we seek to continuously adapt our range of services so that we provide the highest level of support to our members.
We negotiate and sign industry-specific collective agreements and provide services on behalf of our member companies. Energiföretagens Arbetsgivareförening is a member of Svenskt Näringsliv, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, and is also affiliated to Eurelectric, the federation for the European electricity industry.
For more information on how to become a member of Energiföretagens Arbetsgivareförening, please click here.